Interview - Screenwriter Robert Wooldridge

Robert Wooldridge Jr is the writer of A HITCH IN THE PLAN, a mystery-thriller about a detective who enlists the help of an attractive, young film buff to help catch a serial killer who is replicating scenes from Hitchcock movies to stage his killings.

We spoke shortly with Robert about his contest-winning script and his background as a screenwriter.

How and when did you first decide to become a screenwriter?
As most people, I’ve been in love with the movies all my life and have always had my own stories floating in my head. In 2004, I collaborated with some friends to do an independent film based on one of my stories. The experience taught me I was better suited to screenwriting than acting, lighting, or any other of the many roles it takes to create a film.

A HITCH IN THE PLAN is a strong mystery-thriller with a great hook. What gave you the idea to write this particular story?
The original basis of A HITCH IN THE PLAN started as a cat-and-mouse game between the killer and a detective but needed a better hero/heroine to root for. I've always been a great fan of Hitchcock and his influence on filmmakers, particularly Brian de Palma. That being said, A HITCH IN THE PLAN powerfully integrates a unique layering of Hitchcock references throughout the plot. Culling from the tradition of SEVEN and DRESSED TO KILL, I believe I've captured the thrill of the ride and executed the plot in a way that will keep even the most avid mystery fan fully engaged.

Your script is a wonderful accomplishment. What advice would you give to aspiring screenwriters who are just beginning work on their first script?
My advice to aspiring screenwriters who are just beginning work on their first script would be to "Never Give Up." If you love to write then write. Enjoy the process because what happens after not always in your control.

A big thank you to Robert for his time and congrats on the win!

The winners of the Breaking Walls Thriller screenplay contest had their script sent to industry contacts interested in well-written thrillers. If you're an industry professional interested in reading the winning script but aren't already among our contacts, feel free to get in touch with us or apply to join our Hollywood pros to participate in future rounds.