Interview - Screenwriter Sara Althani

Sara Althani wrote the Thriller Screenplay Competition winning screening, THE HIDDEN ROOK: In 3001 on the isolated island, a young rebel trapped in a tyrannical AI's dreamscape must escape and unify a fractured society to avert humanity's extinction.

We spoke with Sara about her background as a writer.

How did you first become interested in a career in screenwriting?
My love for films and vivid dreams led me to screenwriting. Sci-fi and thriller genres, in particular, captivated me with their ability to transport audiences into rich, immersive worlds. I saw screenwriting as the perfect outlet to bring my ideas to life and to create the kind of stories that had always fascinated me.

What inspired you to write this futuristic thriller?
The Hidden Rook was inspired by my love for video games like Halo and Mass Effect, where the balance between story and world-building creates an incredible experience. However, writing this story has been an evolving process—I’ve done over 20 revisions to craft the characters, world, and story. At one point, I had to start from scratch because I couldn’t initially connect certain ideas from my dream to the script.

What movies or filmmakers would you consider your greatest influences as a screenwriter?
There are so many great directors, and I’ve learned something from each of them. I’m particularly influenced by Steven Spielberg, J.J. Abrams, Christopher Nolan, and David Lynch, but I’m also inspired by many others. Spielberg’s sense of wonder, Abrams’ thrillers, Nolan’s intricate plotting, and Lynch’s surreal worlds all play a role in shaping how I approach storytelling.

Some writers like to outline extensively while others prefer to write on the fly. How much planning and outlining went into your process of writing this script?
Extensive planning went into The Hidden Rook. Building the world and developing the characters was an intricate process, especially with so many revisions along the way. My outlines were detailed, but I had to stay flexible as I discovered new directions during the writing process. The work involved carefully balancing elements from my influences and video game inspirations, while still letting the story grow naturally.

What advice would you give to aspiring screenwriters who are working their first script?
My advice is to be patient with the process and allow yourself to explore different ideas. I had to start The Hidden Rook from scratch at one point, but every revision brought me closer to the story I wanted to tell. Focus on writing with passion, and don’t get discouraged by the need to rewrite or rework ideas. Learn from your influences, but make sure your unique voice shines through. Additionally, read as many scripts as possible from filmmakers you admire—it’s one of the best ways to learn how great stories are structured and brought to life.

A big thanks and congratulations to Sara Althani!