Interview - Screenwriter Christy Price

Christy Price is the writer of CUT OFF, a thriller about a paranoid shut-in who loses touch with his only contact, but quickly realizes that he's not as isolated as he thought.

CUT OFF took the winning spot in the thriller script contest after competing against many highly commercial and strongly-written entries.

We asked Christy about CUT OFF and her history as a screenwriter.

Was there something in particular that sparked your interest in becoming a screenwriter?
About two years ago. I had lent a hand on a few small projects and then was asked to help write a screenplay. It was all over after that. I fell in love with the process.

CUT OFF has a strong concept. Was there a particular inspiration that made your want to tell this story?
I have always been interested in psychology and exploring how the mind works, especially with various chemical imbalances. My fiance had suggested the basic theme of it and I just dove into writing it.

Are there any particular filmmakers you consider to be your greatest influences as a screenwriter?
David Lynch is definitely one of the most influential filmmakers in my life.

Some people prefer to outline in detail while others like to write on the fly. How much planning and outlining went into your process of writing this script?
The initial outline only took a few days, but I spent about 18 months revising it. It is my first script, so there was definitely a learning curve.

What advice would you give to aspiring screenwriters who are working on their first script?
Try to get as much feedback as you can from seasoned professionals and don’t give up. The very first time your script is ripped apart is the most painful part, but give it a few days to process it and then consider the suggestions.

A big thanks to Christy for her time and congratulations on the win!